Tikal, Guatemala

Monday, September 9, 2013

Speak Like an Egyptian

The Use of Language in Egypt

     Most often when people refer to the Ancient Egyptians, they think of grand complex hieroglyphs and the Rosetta Stone- the real one, not the computer program. In reality, there is much more to the language of the Ancient Egyptians than just hieroglyphs but they are what intrigues most people about the language of the Ancient Egyptians for many reasons. Hieroglyphs are unique in that they are read up and down, and consist of pictorial script, as well as phonograms (sign-words for concepts that cannot be conveyed by a picture) and rebuses (messages spelled out in pictures that actually represent sounds). Meaning Sacred Carving, hieroglyphs were  also meant to be carved into buildings and stone, not written, so what we are left with is many magnificent examples of this carved language.